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I think they wanted to try the edit feature.

Saya no Uta is NTR slop

It's not ntr if you kill and eat the ugly bastard.

+ Your waifu is objectively trash, she's so disgusting and horrifying that people get permanent mental trauma just from looking at her, and the only way she can appear remotely attractive is in the case you have giga-schizophrenia in the first place
That's what they always say...

1. Smart
2. Good at cooking
3. Has a strong libido
4. Constantly tries to make the world more comfortable for you
5. Procures sex slaves for you
6. Loves you more than her own father
7. Willing to risk her life or sacrifice her relationship with you for your sake
8. Drastically improves humanity if given the chance
9. Gets new fan art 20 years later


Post edited on 18 Oct 2024, 4:43am

What anime are you currently watching? I'm watching Hidamari Sketch and after letting the setting settle in after a couple of episodes, It's really relaxing. My initial problem was that this was a Shaft-anime, so I expected it to be more "aggressive" in tone or style, rather than it being so laid-back. I might actually say that this is probably the best Shaft-anime in style when compared to other works they have! The coloring, scenery setting etc. all feel perfect in almost every frame. I also like the stretched faces a lot.

 6 posts and 5 files omitted.

>a silly half-assed "I live long time, friend don't. what do??" story
pic related

>alongside Spy Classroom
I watched couple of episodes of this a while ago. I actually expected that the whole show would be about just killing the teacher, but 4 episodes in it seems like the show tried to have some kind of deeper meaning between the teacher and the students. I also made an assumption based on the episodes I watched that the rest of the show would be mainly focused on the relationship-aspect between the students and the teacher.
I read the first volume and watched the first episode of Frieren. I liked it first when there was only Frieren and that other girl, but adding more people to the party made it all seem too redundant to me. I think I would have read it more if it only focused on the relationship between the two of them.

I finally finished Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase. Minus the weird battle scenes, this show was pretty good. I don't really know what the atmosphere in the first half could be called, but I really liked it. I think Shiki might be the closest one that I can think of that has this similiar "elegant vampires"-thing going on.

>I liked it first when there was only Frieren and that other girl, but adding more people to the party made it all seem too redundant to me. I think I would have read it more if it only focused on the relationship between the two of them.
I've noticed that sort of thing before, where an anime forcibly becomes about an entourage. It's not always a bad thing, but in any case I think(part of why) writers do it, is to make coming up with plots easier.

Post edited on 24 Jan 2024, 6:04am

Serie > Frieren

I've been watching SpyXFamily. It's fun, but the plot progression is really slow. Also been re-watching Parasyte.

Post any you like.

two places to look:

 2 posts and 0 files omitted.

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I like touhou

What is sayachan's favorite mecha?

Umm, it's gonna have to be the evas. They have this acrobatic look that's pretty unique.

i love orbital frames

since you already posted MK-I....

Remember to Always have a separate device for office purposes

Why? All my video games are perfectly... normal.

Attention! You all should evacuate this thread immediately, I'm coming for all your mechas. One shot, one kill!

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